Tips For Photographing Using DSLR Cameras

Written By Unknown on Friday, November 25, 2011 | 11:06 AM

It's been an awful lot of people who use DSLR cameras but they are sometimes not knowing how to use DSLR camera or impossible. Technique of photographing him an awful lot of using DSLR cameras. This time we will discuss about basic techniques first. Due to this basic technique is quite easy to learn and do it for you first use the new DSLR camera.

The first thing to note is make sure your camera is already in a State ready for use, check the battery, memory checks, etc. After we check the readiness of the camera we now try to download the camera settings first, setting the camera to AV mode (aperture Value) that is only changing the size of the aperture, Shutter Speed is diaphragm so it is automatically set by the camera. Best best openings/sharpness were openings F/8.0 when DOF (depth of field) could use a longer exposure F/2 (not recommended if using F-16 and above, indeed all visible focus but sharpness is decreased so that the result of inadequate). Then we make sure that use ISO 100 (the lower the better) if the light is less known and less shutter (shutter speed better above 1/60 to avoid shake) could be offered up the image. Then the latter better use wide lens like 18-55 mm and 17-85 mm.

Once the camera is certainly ready condition, now make sure that the place where good for photos. To determine where it should be on making sure fine also because it will affect the results of the photo to be taken. For the direction of sunlight, a better photograph do not lead to the Sun, the Sun backs better (because we need sunlight for lighting). Photographed better in the morning and evening, daytime, because if the sunlight is too sharp (typically the sky is white and does not draw). Select the background is nice and beautiful (select substitute). And find the best angle, one might say there is a low angle, mid, high angle angle. The third angle gave a very difference results photos means. If you want to take a picture of the face, background, pay attention, avoid background colored colorful or picture – apart, leading to less prominent (it could be precisely the background be notable).

How's it going? If it is already good and already started can now try to experiment with other basic techniques.

Technique of Panning moves the camera towards the object movement (panning) to coincide with the release button. The result his image blurred background, but the image of the subject clear. How clear or a recent subject depends on fast or slow motion panning. If the movement along with the movement of the subject-, then the resulting image is clear. Conversely if the camera is faster or slower than the movement of the subject, then the result will blur.

The technique is if the current object slow speed move quickly photographed with low speed shutter, then the result will look blurry picture, as if – will be swept, but the background is clear. This effect is sometimes good and pose a sense of motion of the object photographed.

Freeze technique IE speed fast techniques we used for photographing moving objects. The faster the movement of these objects, then the larger the number, shutter speed that we need.

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